SDSC GPU Hackathon

GPU Hackathon Attendee Guide

Due to the impact of COVID-19, this event will be offered remotely.


New Remote Schedule


Monday, April 27: Hackathon Prep Day
To include: Zoom and other tool navigation, accessing systems, develop plan with mentor and profile code


Monday – Wednesday, May 11-13: Hackathon
This GPU hackathon will be held remotely starting with a single preparation day two weeks prior to a three day coding event. Your team of developers will prepare your application(s) to run on GPUs, or focus on optimizing your application(s) that currently run on GPUs. Your team should consist of three or more developers who are intimately familiar with (some part of) your application, and you will work alongside 1-2 mentors with GPU programming expertise. The mentors come from universities, national laboratories, supercomputing centers, government institutions, and vendors.


Preparing for a Hackathon


This section outlines recommendations gathered from participants and mentors over the years on how to prepare for a hackathon. While each team will proceed differently in practice, we find that teams who follow these suggestions typically have the greatest success.


Team Introductions:


In the weeks leading up to the event, the hackathon organizer will send an email introducing your team to the mentor(s) with whom you will be working. The organizer of the hackathon will schedule a introductory web meeting with the team and mentor(s) to address the following topics:

  • Team/Mentor introductions
  • Discuss code(s) your team will be working on (give code access where appropriate)
  • Determine which compute system(s) your team will use during the event
  • Prepare and profile your code for the event
  • Assign any action items based on discussions

This initial meeting will help get your team organized and ensure that everyone is on the same page for follow-up discussions.


Preparing Virtual Tools


Virtual Hackathons will take place online using Zoom. You will need to install their client, which is available for Windows, MacOS and Linux, and make sure that it is updated to the latest version. Once you have installed the Zoom client, you can test your microphone and camera interface with Zoom here. You can find more information on Zoom system requirements, including bandwidth requirements, here.


Zoom: Download and get started


We will also use:
Slack: Download and get started. Slack will be used as the main place for announcements to all participants, where to ask for help, as well as the main group chat (e.g., chat, code sharing) Zoom chat is disabled. Make sure to turn on your notifications. A Slack channel will be created for each team.

Gsight: Download

Google Drive: link to be sent pre-event, to upload team presentations


Obtain Access to the Hackathon Compute System


Three weeks prior to the event each team is provided with access to a GPU system to be used at the event. This gives you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with aspects of the system that might be new to you (e.g. different batch scheduler, job launcher, etc.) and also to get your application compiled and running on the system. This helps to ensure your team is ready to start programming GPUs on the system when you arrive for the event, instead of spending time learning how to use the system.


Preparing Your Code to Run on the Hackathon Compute System


Although you might be using your application for production work already, that does not ensure it is ready for the work you will be performing at the hackathon. For example, if your code takes four hours to produce results, it will be difficult to test the many incremental changes you will likely be making to your code during the event. To address this point, this section outlines recommendations for preparing your application for the event.


Kernel or Mini-Application


Ideally, your application should be limited to a few thousand lines of code. If you are working with a much larger application, it is preferable to extract specific kernels or a “mini-app” that contains only the relevant parts of the full application whenever possible. This makes the code more manageable for all your team members (including the mentors - who are likely not familiar with the code) and helps to eliminate potential problems with other parts of the code that are unrelated to the work being performed. Once you have your reduced application running on the GPUs, you can add the changes you made into the full application to understand how it speeds up (or slows down) the application as a whole.


Self-contained Code


Your code should also be self-contained whenever possible. By eliminating external dependencies (e.g. netCDF), you will not need to rely on specific packages (or specific versions of packages) being available on the hackathon system. To do so, you can include any code needed for external dependencies within (or alongside) your application. If this is not possible/practical, you should make the dependency known to the local hackathon organizer ahead of the event so it can be installed. In addition, your build system should be free of any specific system dependencies (e.g. Cray computing environment). Removing these external and system-specific dependencies will make it easier to get your code running on the hackathon system.


It is also important to understand any dependencies that might arise due to your choice of programming model. For example, if you plan to use OpenACC to target GPUs, you will likely want to use the PGI compilers or GCC, so you need to make sure your code compiles with PGI. Doing so before the event helps to ensure your time at the hackathon is actually spent on GPU work (not getting your code compiled). Your mentors should be able to help you identify these types of dependencies.


Compile, Run and Profile on a Hackathon GPU System


After making any such changes to your code (e.g., using different compilers, extracting kernels, building your own libraries), you should always confirm that your application still compiles, runs, and (of course) gives the correct results. Ideally, this should be done on the system(s) you will be using during the event. This workflow (make changes - compile - run - check results) will be used frequently during the week of the event, so it is important that the process is efficient. In general, you should configure your application to run in ~30s, and only run it on a single process (if possible).


Simplifying Your Workflow: Tree diagram, Profile, Correct Results


As mentioned above, it is likely that the mentors working with your team are not familiar with your application. So, it is helpful to have a way of describing your application’s program flow to them (e.g. call tree, flow chart, etc.). Helping your mentors (and all team members) understand your code structure before the event can make them more efficient and save you a lot of time during the event.


Having a profile of your application, which shows details about how much time is being spent in different regions of the code, allows you to identify the most beneficial regions to accelerate. For example, you want to ensure you are spending your time accelerating parts of your code that account for a sizable percentage of the total runtime; optimizing regions that only account for 2% of the total runtime will not gain you much. If you need help, your mentors can likely point you in the right direction on generating a profile. Having this available before the event is helpful in planning for the week.


Another important aspect of preparation that is often overlooked is having a way to verify correctness of your results. This is an important part of the hackathon workflow, so arriving with an automatic way of doing so (e.g. a correct results file which can be compared against new results with diff) can save more time for development. It is not uncommon for a team to get their code optimized and running blazing fast on the GPUs only to find that it is not giving the correct results!



Attending a Hackathon Prep Day


The first day of the Hackathon is designed to help teams get familiar with profiling tools, cluster environments, online tools as well as providing dedicated time to start working with mentors on their codes. During the first day, teams will introduce themselves, share results of the first day and layout goals and plans for the rest of the hackathon.


Introduction Presentations:


One the first day, after a brief introduction by the moderator at 8AM PDT, the first order of business will be for one member of each team to give a short (2 minutes / 2 slides) presentation introducing their team that should include an introduction of your team members and a very brief description of your application.


We will close the day with another short presentation session (3 minutes/3 slides) where teams will share a profile of their codes (showing compute-intensive regions), and the goals for the week (parts of your code you will be targeting, anticipated speedup, intended programming model - e.g. OpenACC, CUDA, etc.).


NOTE: It is important to keep these presentations brief to maximize the amount of time the teams have to hack code, so although the science behind your application is probably very interesting, please limit the presentation to the relevant parts of your code needed to convey your work at the hackathon. Also, remember that most participants are probably not familiar with your specific domain, so please keep the jargon to a minimum.


Attending a Hackathon


During the hackathon, your team will work alongside your mentor(s) on the goals you have (hopefully) set during the pre-hackathon meetings. In addition, there are presentations and morning updates that your team will participate in.


Morning Updates (Scrum Sessions):

  • Progress made since last update
  • Goals for the day
  • Problems you are currently facing
  • Problems you have resolved (that other teams might find useful)

In addition to sharing your progress, these updates are opportunities to get feedback from other teams and mentors. There is a chance that a problem you are facing has already been encountered and resolved by someone else. Or you might have found and resolved a problem (or reported a bug) that other teams might currently be facing. These hackathons are meant to be cooperative events among all participants, and these update sessions are central to that theme.


Final Presentations:


On Wednesday afternoon, the teams will finish up their development work and give a final presentation (5-7 minutes / 5-7 slides) detailing their accomplishments; issues they ran into, how they resolved them, speedups they obtained, as well as their closing thoughts on the event and what they learned.




If the work you accomplish at the hackathon leads to a future publication, we encourage you to recognize the mentor(s) and hackathon in the acknowledgement section of the publication. E.g.,

The authors would like to thank [Organizers of event] for organizing the [Year][Name of Specific Hackathon] and give special thanks to our mentors [Name of Mentor(s)] for their contributions to this work

Remember, the mentors volunteer their time to help at these events and such recognition is a nice way of saying thank you.


Feedback and Suggestions:


We are always looking for ways to improve these events. If you have feedback you believe would help improve this document or the hackathons themselves, please feel free to contact with your suggestions.